------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Example: Talkthru Analog In-Out (AD1835...P10=Input, J5 and P7=Output) Target: ADSP-21369 Date: July 29, 2004 Tools: VisualDSP++ 4.0 Hardware: ADSP-21369 EZ-KIT LITE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Multichannel analog talk-through (stereo in -> four stereo pairs out) TalkThrough reads audio samples from the stereo ADC of the AD1835 codec, and it passes the unmodified data through to the four DACs. Each interrupt reads a single 24-bit sample (alternating left and right) using SPORT0 and immediately writes the same value to both the A and B data channels of SPORT1 and SPORT2. All audio is transmitted in I2S mode. A 12.288 MHz clock is fed to the ADC as MCLK, and the ADC generates the 64*48KHz bit clock and the 48 KHz frame sync. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Instructions: Download the executable to the EZ-KIT. There are no user controls or visual outputs. Required Switch Settings: SW3 - 1=Off, 2=On, 3=On, 4=On (this is the default setting) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Source Files contained in this directory: 21369_IVT.asm Interrupt vector table code ADSP-21369-EZKIT.ldf Linker description file ad1835.h Header with constants for controlling the audio codec main.asm Calls initialization routines then waits for interrupts init1835viaSPI.asm Initializes the codec initSRU.asm Initializes the SRU & DAI/DPI pins initPLL_SDRAM.asm Configures the DSP to run at CCLK= 393.21 MHz & SDCLK= 157.28 MHz initSPORT.asm Initializes the transmit and receive serial ports SPORTisr.asm The interrupt service routine Talkthru Analog In-Out.dpj VisualDSP Project File ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dependencies contained in VisualDSP++ default include path: def21369.h Header with constants for the SHARC SRU.h Macro to simplify programming the SRU & DAI pins ******************************************************************************* Analog Devices, Inc. DSP Division One Technology Way Norwood, MA 02062 (c) 2005 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. *******************************************************************************